Bands and Performing Artists who are members of the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation are invited to share their gigs on our calendar!

This feature is a great benefit to band members. Check out the calendar

Not a member? Click here to join.


MEMBER LOGIN: You must be logged into our Membership Portal to have access to the SUBMIT YOUR GIG form. If you don’t remember your membership login, simply enter your email address and click “Lost Password”.

The information you should have on hand to submit your gig are:

  • The EVENT NAME can be your band name, and event name, or something like “XYZ Band at the ABC-venue”.
  • WHEN – Add the date and time
  • WHERE – You can either add the address of the venue or you can add the venue website.
  • DETAILS – This section is for you to add additional information like are you a jazz or blues band, is there a cover charge, is this a fundraising event for a particular non-profit, do you have a sponsor, do you want to list multiple bands or your band members, and you can also upload a picture of your band or perhaps an album cover.
  • CATEGORY – The default category is “BAND” is for JSJBF member bands and performing artists. We also list JSJBF events in the calendar. And some Venue events.
  • EVENT IMAGE – This is the main image displayed on the calendar view. It can not exceed a width of 700 pixels.

RESIZING IMAGES: Most computers, laptops, and MACs have built-in image-resizing software. Just click on the image and set the width to 700 pixels. A free version of will help you resize images. Or you might have Photoshop or some other software on your computer.

Still not sure? Check out the calendar and click on a few events to see what others have listed.

Have questions or problems resizing images? Send us an email with your questions and attach your images if you need help. Send to